Disembunyikan dari Publik Selama Puluhan Tahun, 7 Rahsia Titanic Ini Pernah Buat Geram

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Peristiwa tenggelamnya kapal Titanic menjadi satu kecelakaan terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Awalnya kapal ini digadang-gadang menjadi yang terbaik dan tak akan pernah tenggelam. When you want to use your satellite navigation to get you to where you want to go have you ever thought of where you should put it while driving around. One area that people seem to put the satellite navigation is at the top of their windscreen right in the centre, have you thought how dangerous that could be as you are limiting where you can see, if you put it anywhere on your window screen this will at some point distract you as you want to know where to go along the road. People are unaware of where it should go legally as a lot of people think and do not read where it should go. While driving the correct position for your satellite navigation is in the bottom right-hand corner of your windscreen, in this area you have a lot more vision of the road ahead. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9610629

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Disembunyikan dari Publik Selama Puluhan Tahun, 7 Rahsia Titanic Ini Pernah Buat Geram
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